About six months ago I found 7 puppies rolling down the road all alone without their mom!!! I went there with my father to drop my friend to her place and when I saw the puppies, I said, “Dad I want a puppy like that, I would name him Troy”.... I love my dad for what he did!! He got that puppy to our house!! I named him troy!!! We kept him for two days!! I loved him!! His eyes were so beautiful and innocent!!! Because he was new to our house so whenever he used to wake up he cried!!! I woke up in the middle of the night and made him quiet!! My sister said I took his care as a mom!! LOL! But I don’t have him now because everyone was busy and could not find a way out of how could we take care of him because when everyone would have gone to work, Troy had to stay all alone at home!! So we had to leave him back because for a pup it’s not easy to manage alone!!! And the other day when I went back he wasn’t there!! The guard on duty told me that a stupid Dog Catcher Van took away all the puppies!!
Now, I have a stray dog around my home!!! It was a cute used to be pet Labrador which is my favourite breed. I named him Brownie!! Around a month ago I watched a few dog movies viz. Cats & Dogs, B.H. Chihuahua and my favourite Marley and me! So I changed his name from Brownie to Marley! People in my colony are scared of him but I find him cute!! That’s the cleanest of all stray dogs!! I think someone grooms him every week!! He doesn’t even stink!!! My parents also love him!!! But the movie scares me!!! He is old too!!! I don’t want to make a hat trick of losing pets!!!
I feel like having a pet dog!!! Every time I watch the movie I cry!! And my parents laugh!!! That day I watched that movie with friends, I cried and everyone laughed at me!!! Dogs can be the best friends you can ever have!! We should always have feeling for dogs too as we have for the people!!! We see poor people who cannot take care of themselves because they can’t afford stuff and we shoe sympathy!! What about dogs??? They don’t even know what money is...
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